Monday, July 28, 2014

An elegant joker with a serious side

The artist/author who created Tintin was a man who saw humor everywhere. He was a perfectionist, he could be passionate, but he liked to laugh and to make others smile. As a master of word play and repartee, and a good mimic, there was in his world a funny side to nearly everything that made the many complications and difficulties of life bearable. 

Herge was in some respects a comedian, but like many great comics he had a depressive side. It was as if he needed the humor to lift him out of such moods. People found it difficult to understand that he could be serious and make jokes. He always kept his sense of humor, even at the end when desperately ill.

Herge (George Remy)

Read the interesting biography of the author, George Remy and know the fascinating sides of his life and passions...


  1. thanks for the biography ..............
    your blog is very different than others ............
    very interesting, informative and also with lots of downloadable books / comics
    a cool and nice blog

    1. Thanks RanjanDa for the regular visit to my blog and this kind comments - :)
      Yes, I try to keep this blog as a 'collection of stories & articles' --- I intend not-to upload any story-book 'as a whole', unless it is a comics, because I find that most of the readers hardly read the 'whole' book, specially if it is available as 'Free' !!!

      Let's see how long I can keep it in this interesting way....
