Sunday, August 17, 2014

'S' for Sunday or 'S' for 'SMURFS' !!!

Most people watch the cartoon show when they were in their younger age and have become fans over the years. But kids in our (India) country did not have that kind of luxury back in the year of 70-80's. 

After growing up, I never paid much attention to 'SMURFS', even though I saw some of the SMURFS character toys in many stores, time to time. Then back in 2011, I was watching TV on a Sunday evening and casually browsing through different TV channels. Suddenly on one channel my eyes got stuck and found that funny characters-play much interesting - those were SMURFS!! It was the episode where Johan and Peewit were on a boat with the Smurfs and Peewit got seasick until the waters became rough. I watched the complete episode and was really enthralled by that raven-haired hero.

Now my kid also watches and loves SMURFS - he always reminds me, 'S' for 'Sunday and 'S' for SMURFS !!

~~~  ~~~ ~~~
Here are two short SMURF-y episodes to read and laugh on a Sunday afternoon...


  1. এই সিরিজ আমার পার্সন্যালি খুব একটা প্রিয় ছিলো না, তবে তোমার ব্লগিং এর উদ্যম দেখে খুবই ভালো লাগছে :)

    1. Thank You Suku-Da for your visit and the comments. If I could start this blog from India, it would be a lot more attractive!! - so many rare, bengali story books are just sitting there in the bookshelves, waiting to be destroyed by termites.

    2. ইন্দ্র কালেক্ট করে রাখতে পারে নিজের কাছে...বলে দেখতে পারো |

  2. thanks for SMURFS ...............
    Benny Breakiron in RED TAXI' s porlam .............. r Benny Breakiron paoa jabe k ......... jodi hoi tahole khub valo hoi ............ :):):):):):)

    1. KUNTALDA PAYE GACHI ................. THANKS A LOT ................... :):):):):)

    2. দুজনেই দেখি একে অপরকে দাদা ডাকছে...কেসটা কি ??? :-)

    3. Suku-দা - আমি অন্যের বয়স সম্পর্কে একেবারে sure না-হলে সাধারনত: 'দাদা' আর 'তুমি' দিয়ে শুরু করি - মানে মাঝখান (মধ্যম পুরুষ) থেকে শুরু করলে যে-কোন দিকে যাওয়াই একটু সহজ - এই আর কি !! :)
